Does Content Repurposing work for everyone?
This isn’t like our usual blog as this is partly information and partly self-promotion sort of blog. we have decided to focus more on the niche …
The pandemic forced many people to work from home, but doing a 9-5 job is boring. Even if it doesn’t bore you, it isn’t something interesting or exciting either. If you continue doing your boring job, you won’t look forward to the next day. Is there something worse than this?
So, what to do? The answer is Freelancing.
Why you should freelance? Let’s look at some of the reasons.
Freedom - It provides you the freedom to choose your job. You don’t need to have an academic degree to become a freelancer. You can choose any field like designing, content writing, manager, etc. based upon your interest and skills, rather than a degree.
Also, ask yourself, did you really make a conscious decision that you’ll work in the same field in which you graduated? Are you really the same person you were 5-10 years ago? In most cases the answer is NO.
Real Wealth and Happiness - As Morgan Housel said in his book ‘The Psychology of Money’ that - The highest form of wealth is the ability to wake up every morning and say, “I can do whatever I want today”.
This is what freelancing allows you. You’ll have to work less as compared to a corporate employee. You can take holidays without any worries. And you will enjoy your work too, as you can decide the field and projects of your choice.
According to Researcher Angus Campbell “Having a strong sense of controlling one’s life is a more dependable predictor of positive feelings of wellbeing than any of the objective conditions of life we have considered”. [1]
Freelancing provides you control over your time and self-control is the strongest predictor for happiness.[2] So, freelancing is better for your mental health. Not to forget the extra time you’ll get to focus on your physical health.
Exposure - The monotonous work culture of 9-5 is one of its biggest downfalls.
Becoming a freelancer can free you from the monotonous work culture. You can work with individuals, big businesses, startups and other people of your choice. You will get a lot of exposure, opportunities with tremendous growth. Also, It’ll be adventurous and fun.
“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.”
― Rachel Wolchin
These are some of the reasons for you to re-think your career choices and give freelancing a chance. I will write a follow-up blog too, as there are more reasons why you should become a freelancer.
We started Octalancer to provide Freelance services for Businesses, Startups and individuals.
This isn’t like our usual blog as this is partly information and partly self-promotion sort of blog. we have decided to focus more on the niche …
When I first started out as a Graphic Designer I badly wanted a tool “using which I can extract colors from any website”, then someone …